Logo for Thespis Theatrical Costumiers


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Logo for Battle of Boat
Battle of Boat
Beauty and the Beast tells the story of an unkind prince who has been magically transformed into an unsightly creature as punishment for his selfish ways. To revert into his true human form, the Beast must learn to love a bright, beautiful young lady who he has imprisoned in his enchanted castle and earn her love in return before it is too late.
Beauty and the Beast
Logo for Betty Blue Eyes
Betty Blue Eyes
Logo for Black Adder
The Black Adder
Thespis Supply Period Costumes For Blackadder Goes Forth Set in WW1
Blackadder Goes Forth
Bonnie and Clyde costume hire 1930s vintage gangster suit and flapper dress with period accessories. Authentic Bonnie and Clyde costumes featuring prohibition-era style hats, ties, and dresses. Thespis Theatrical Costumiers. Bonnie and Clyde outfits for stage productions and events. 1920s and 1930s costume hire: Bonnie and Clyde inspired Great Depression era attire. Complete Bonnie and Clyde costume set with gangster suit, vintage dress, and accessories for theatre productions.
Bonnie and Clyde
Parabellum Luger P08 pistol
Armoury Hire
Captain Edward Smith Uniform costume hire


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